Retreats & Seminars

Excellent for small groups (10-30 individuals)

Retreats and Seminars presentations could be ongoing or for a specific period depending on the group’s needs. Perfect for:

  • Bible Study Groups
  • Sunday School Classes
  • Christian Community Events

Spiritually based topics can vary depending on the group’s needs.

A Pastor said:

Clearly, God’s hand was guiding us for this retreat, at this time, in this place, taught by you. Thank you again for bringing this opportunity to our church.

Thank you for opening up a whole new vista of Christian Living to me thru this “Mini-Prayer Retreat”. It has been huge not “mini” to me.

A Retreat Member said:

Please continue to hold these retreats and things like them. Your teaching, presentation, resources, and obvious love for our Lord have made a deep impact on this group. Thank you for your willingness to share.

A Retreat Member said:

The session being broken down into teaching, group meditations and homework brought different aspects to the time, small groups and then group sharing was a good thing to give other members ideas and thoughts.

Making meditation last and leaving in silence made the whole session more meaningful because you left holding what you had heard in your heart instead of ending on a social note.

A Seminar Member said:

After taking this class I realized that I was just coasting along the surface and I was hungry for more.

This has been a very real experience for me personally and I just pray that each person that came received blessings as I did.

A Seminar Member said:

Thank you very much for answering the call of God to conduct a class here at this time. Thank you for the wealth of information and the love and caring you have given each of us. I have felt special all the way through these past six weeks. I only hope to be in class with you again in the future.

A Retreat Member said:

I have just taken a six-week class with Abbot General Oscar Joseph, OCCO and it has been the best time I have invested in learning in a very long time. The wealth of information and the videos and the suggested reading materials have really helped to put my feet back on the right path. This will change my study habits, my teaching habits, and most importantly the way I live the rest of my life. Thank you Abbot General Oscar Joseph, OCCO.

A Retreat Member said:

I had a very painful nerve problem and Abbot conducted a healing session. I am walking
pain free.

A Seminar Member said:

The past four years have been very traumatic for me and this class has been an eye opener in a lot ways. At times I have wondered where God was in all of the events that have happened but I have taken the time to review my life and have seen God working even when I was not being the person I should have been.